20/06/2021 | Fulltime | Dublin | Irish FutureKellsgrange Residential Services Social Care Workers Irish Future Talbot Street Dublin 1 Kellsgrange Residential Services Social Care Workers SOCIAL CARE WORKERS Kellsgrange Residential Services requires Social Care Workers for its childrens residential centre in Waterford. Social care
Save for later19/06/2021 | Fulltime | Dublin | Irish FutureBRILL Family Resource Centre ParentChild+ Coordinator Irish Future Talbot Street Dublin 1 BRILL Family Resource Centre ParentChild+ Coordinator [BRILL Family Resource Centre] BRILL FAMILY RESOURCE CENTRE IS CURRENTLY SEEKING TO APPOINT A PARENTCHILD+ COORDINATOR (*APPLY ON THE WEBSITE* HOURS PER
Save for later18/06/2021 | Fulltime | Dublin | Irish FutureWith vulnerable clients and encourage engagement with the service. - Work as part of a small dynamic team in providing client-centred emotional and practical support. - Manage and prioritise own caseload and work with flexibility and initiative. - Keep accurate and concise records of all client contact on both
Save for later18/06/2021 | Fulltime | Dublin | Irish FutureAnd innovative service that will cater for the needs of children and families accessing the Child and Family Centre. The successful candidates will ensure the Early Years/Family Support Service is delivered in a professional manner and help create a safe, caring and welcoming environment for the children
Save for later16/06/2021 | Parttime, Fulltime | Dublin | Irish FutureServices ] WE ARE CURRENTLY RECRUITING FOR NEW POSITIONS TO MEET THE INCREASING NEEDS OF PEOPLE ACROSS THE COUNTY. Saint John of God Kerry Services provides a range of programmes and services for adults and children with an intellectual disability throughout the Kerry region. A person-centred approach
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