18/06/2021 | Parttime | Dublin | Irish FutureADMINISTRATOR (*APPLY ON THE WEBSITE*.5 HOURS PER WEEK) To support and work in close collaboration with the Voluntary Management Committee and the Project Coordinator to ensure all of the organisations finances are administered efficiently, correctly and in a timely manner. THE IDEAL CANDIDATE SHOULD HAVE
Save for later17/06/2021 | Parttime, Student, Fulltime | Dublin | Irish FutureMaynooth Students’ Union Academic Representation Administrator Irish Future Talbot Street Dublin 1 Maynooth Students’ Union Academic Representation Administrator [Maynooth Students’ Union] Maynooth Students’ Union Aontas na Mac Léinn Mhá Nuad JOB REF MSUARA*APPLY ON THE WEBSITE* (Please quote
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