
Your Jobswype blog for news, tips and information about job hunting, career and working life.


How to balance children and work life

Dublin, 2 April 2018

How to balance children and work life

Working mothers and fathers already know that it’s not always easy to balance out your children and the job. But it’s not impossible, either. It does, however, require a high degree of planning and, most of all, flexibility. Who takes the parental leave isn’t even always the issue anymore – it is more and more commonplace for fathers to take parental leave and rightfully so. There’s still some differences because in some places it’s still frowned upon for fathers to take some time off work. But that’s another issue and a discussion worth having on its own. In this piece, we start assuming that those important first years are over and that both parent are back to work. What can they do to assure that neither their family time, nor their working life are getting neglected and stay fulfilling? Read on to find out!

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Employees vs. Freelancers – who has it better?

Dublin, 27 February 2018

Employees vs. Freelancers – who has it better?

The grass is always greener on the other side. At least that’s what people say.

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What to do if your co-worker smells?

Dublin, 23 January 2018

What to do if your co-worker smells?

Do you know that uneasy feeling, that befalls you when you notice that your co-worker doesn’t smell so fresh anymore? And it’s no like you both work at a construction site or in any other field that regularly requires hard physical work or it’s the middle of summer..

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New Year’s resolutions – how to keep them and ensure a great 2018

Dublin, 18 January 2018

New Year’s resolutions – how to keep them and ensure a great 2018

It happens every year on New Year’s Eve – the wildest plans for the next twelve months pop up. Of course, everything is supposed to get better.

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Digital nomads – a new way to work promises more freedom

Dublin, 6 December 2017

The difference between young employees and the generations that came before them is represented through the values they believe in. They care less about status symbols and salaries and more about working with an added value.

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Things to consider before deciding to work abroad

Dublin, 14 November 2017

The current Jobswype poll underlines it again – working abroad is still attractive for a lot of people, even if they don’t represent the majority. The reasons are as different as the people themselves.

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The perfect photo for your job application

Dublin, 23 October 2017

No application is complete without a good portrait photo. Although the trend coming from the USA is to renounce the photo in order to avoid any kind of discrimination based on looks, skin colour, etc.

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Things to pay attention to in job ads

Dublin, 23 October 2017

It’s been said that career networks are gaining more and more importance in regards to finding suitable, available jobs, the loser being classic media. Or that headhunters are on the lookout and snap up good employees.

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This is how you’ll get a promotion for a managing position

Dublin, 27 August 2017

You are new in your job, just started working and want to reach the stars? Be in a managing position in a few years? At first, for many it may look like (good) bosses possess a special gene or some extraordinary personality traits. The truth is, they have put in vast amounts of work and also had a little bit of luck.

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This is how you’ll survive the hottest days at the office – the best advice against the heat

Dublin, 9 August 2017

Summer also brings high temperatures with it, not even at during the night do we feel any relief. We don’t really mind all that during the summer vacation, but it can get tiring really fast during office time.

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These jobs are future proof

Dublin, 27 June 2017

Choosing the right career path and profession will be – again, as every year -  a familiar plight for a lot of young people and their respective parents, who want to make sure their offspring chooses wisely. Suddenly, becoming a popstar, a football player, a princess, a ballerina or a train conductor give way to more realistic options, based on individual talents and interests.

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New approaches in recruiting

Dublin, 6 June 2017

Gone are the days, when the hopeful candidate would read through hundreds of newspaper want ads. Since the internet became a second home to all but a few, searching for a job also happens mostly online.

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When computer programmes determine your application success

Dublin, 23 May 2017

You’ve surely already asked yourself what exactly happens with your application papers inside the company while you are waiting for the callback for the job interview. How exactly do the people from HR manage to go through all those mountains of documents? How long does it take them to figure one candidate out, based solely on the information she or he has provided? Are their desks swamped with papers? The truth is that most big companies rely on the services of so-called application tracking systems (APS).

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Constant availability at work and ist effects on you

Dublin, 18 April 2017

Does the following sound familiar? You’re already at home, relaxing on your couch and enjoying your free time when suddenly your phone rings: it’s your boss with the newest input regarding the project that you are working on. A new idea or some new piece of information (at least that’s the explanation you are getting) that just couldn’t wait another second, certainly not until the next day.

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The basic principles of good networking

Dublin, 24 March 2017

Good relationships, be they business or private, never hurt anybody. Especially in business it’s important to surround oneself with likeminded individuals.

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How to master public presentations

Dublin, 17 February 2017

“What if I won’t be able to say a single thing?“ – should the thought of giving a public presentation cause you to break a sweat, rest assured.You are not alone.

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Keeping deadlines – it’s all about the right steps

Dublin, 23 January 2017

Do you sometimes wonder, how your career role models or some of your colleagues seem to make keeping their deadlines appear to be a piece of cake, while you are under time pressure most of the time? The good news - there are studies proving that most of people only reach peak productivity under time pressure. Your colleagues obviously fall in the same category.

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Get a good start at the office in the new year

Dublin, 9 January 2017

Holidays aren’t completely over yet, so many of you will still be vacationing. The second week of January, at the latest, will see you back at the office, though – a new year filled with new projects, challenges and success stories awaits! Maybe it is going to be the year that sees you getting that coveted promotion, the pay raise that you’ve worked for so hard or the big assignment that is going to show your superiors that you deserve both.

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Things you shouldn’t do at your office Christmas party

Dublin, 20 December 2016

The morning after your office Christmas party – silence when you enter the office? Does your boss request you to have a word? And do your colleagues look at you funny? Do they whisper behind your back? But your memories of the night before are hazy and all you remember is having a really good time… Well, it looks like you’ve made quite a spectacle out of yourself. Office Christmas parties where things get more informal between colleagues and bosses are full of all kinds of traps.

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Healthy snacks at work

Dublin, 13 December 2016

Spending the day in the office often means sitting for far too long, which, in turn, is bad for your health and your figure. As we’ve seen though, things don’t have to be that way.

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Mobbing at work major topic in european countries

Dublin, 5 December 2016

Mobbing can happen in almost all areas of life and harm concerned persons not only physically but also psychically. Nowadays the working world is affected dramatically by that problem.

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Ideas for a more active working routine

Dublin, 20 November 2016

It shouldn’t be news to anyone that regular workout is beneficial to your overall health. Most people engage in some sporting activity in their free time, as it also helps releasing all the tension accumulated at work and maintaining a healthy balance.

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Becoming your own boss – A few thoughts about starting your own business

Dublin, 7 November 2016

Do you know the feeling, that you’d do a lot of things differently and better, if only you were the boss? Or do you want a more flexible working schedule? Or maybe you’ve reached a point in your career, where you’d like to do something else, something close to your own heart? And don’t they say: „Turn your hobby into your job and you’ll never have to work again“? If you‘ve already made your hobby into your job, we congratulate you! But for everyone else, there’s basically only one solution – starting your own business. Such a big step requires a whole lot of forethought, though.

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Europeans increasingly wish for childcare at work

Dublin, 30 October 2016

The subject of childcare at work has become increasingly important in recent years. Employers and employees from different countries report that knowing the own child being cared for within the premises of the enterprise would be an incredibly relieving feeling.

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No job after graduation? – Don’t lose hope or waste time

Dublin, 18 October 2016

What happens, when the dream job doesn’t come up right after graduation? Were your studies and good grades for nothing? Did you maybe choose the wrong major? These thoughts cross the minds of many graduates, who just don’t seem to find a job after university. Maybe you should have listened to your parents after all, when they advised you to give up African Studies or Philosophy in favour of something “real”.

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You’d better not say this during your job interview - 4 real examples

Dublin, 16 October 2016

Have you followed our advice on crafting the perfect job application documents? Very good, then you are on the right way to landing your dream job. The next step is the job interview.

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